Yes, You can be a Yogi.

We believe that yoga, meditation and breath work are powerful tools for everyone. We want to inspire, educate and encourage people through every phase of their practice.

Hey, I’m Emily.

Yoga Teacher. Wild Explorer. Meditation Guide. Podcast Host. Forever Student. Breath Facilitator. + + + + + + +

I am so glad you are here.

I work with women and men from all walks of life and delight in guiding people on their own journeys integrating mind, body, soul & emotion. ALL of you is welcome.

Get started by booking a 1:1 session with me. We’ll meet in-person or virtually and go through movement, meditation, creativity, breath work and anything else that intuitively feels important to include for you. I am so honored to be a part of your story.

Read Emily’s story on Canvas Rebel

“I view my business as a mirror for my own practices. What I cultivate, I can share. What is alive and vibrant for me, will shine through in what I offer.”